Summary Eesti Loodus 2018/5


Estonian Nature inquires
Asko Lõhmus sums up the results of the discussion regarding the protection plan of capercaillie.
Margo Tannik explains the regulations regarding grey seal hunting in Estonian waters.

Orchid of the Year: Greetings from the kingdom of Lady’s-slipper orchid
Tiiu Kull describes the orchid of the year – Lady’s-slipper – from various angles. For instance, it is interesting to know that a plant can skip a year in growth, but still live over 100 years.

Bird of the Year: Capercaillie, the symbol of primeval forests
Ivar Ojaste gives an overview of our biggest grouse and the research about the species. Despite of numerous studies, there is still not a lot of knowledge, but just speculation.

Moss of the Year: Glittering woodmoss (Hylocomium splendens) is the feature species of moss carpet
Kai Vellak introduces one of the most common mosses of our forest. The glittering woodmoss is the main species forming the moss carpet of our forests.

World’s botanists in China: a review of the XIX International Botanical Congress
Ülle Reier, Nele Ingerpuu, Annika Meitern and Linda-Liisa Veromann-Jürgenson represented Estonian botanists at the biggest event of botanist which takes place every 6 years. The authors share their impressions of China and the main news in the world of botanists.

Lifeways of ticks
Urmas Tartes looks at the domestic invertebrate who carries different diseases and poses therefore a threat to humans since early spring until autumn.

A hundred rows about Estonian nature: About life on Earth. About life at the countryside.
Jaan Tätte’s essay

An Estonian location: Sokari-Tsiamäe, the home of the black stork
Juhani Püttsepp and Ingmar Muusikus went to the Paganamaa area by the Latvian border to meet with the local hobby ornithologist and see the home range of the black stork.

Interview: Estonia is tiny, we need to keep her well
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Juhani Püttsepp, a biologist, nature journalist, children’s author and teacher.

Practical tips: How to choose a kayak?
Timo Palo gives advice to a kayaking beginner: what to keep in mind when choosing a kayak and what kind of extra equipment might prove useful in the future.

Nature experience from the world: The animal adventures at Kalahari
Hendrik Relve’s travels take us to the extensive desert area of South Africa and the world’s largest inland delta, the Okavango Delta in Botswana.

The wide world: A journey in the Wild West II
Tuul Sepp continues her memories from a family trip in the Wild West of North-America. They proved that is possible to have a meaningful road trip with three kids in the car.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: Who owns the language?

Goutweed: annoying, but useful
Triin Nõu suggests using the annoying weed for food and dying the yarn.

A new orchid taxon in Estonia
Rainar Kurbel and Toomas Hirse describe a new identified orchid taxon, Orchis mascula subsp. speciosa (Mutel) Hegi, which can mostly be found from South-East Estonia.

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