Summary Eesti Loodus 2018/1


Estonian Nature enquires
Juhani Püttsepp and Ingmar Muusikus look back at the journeys undertaken last year with the aim to record Estonian national landscapes.

Meet the crested tit
Karl Adami’s photo story introduces the crested tit: there is not much hope to meet the little bird at the bird feeder. Instead, you should go to the forest – that’s where the crested tit feels at home.

What can we learn from the climate changes in geological time?
Enli Kiipli brings the historical aspect into the topic of climate change: there is nothing exceptional about climate change in history of the Earth.

Meters above sea level
Tõnu Oja explains the changes brought by replacing the Kronstadt zero level with the zero level of Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP). As the result, the height of all lands rises a bit in numbers.

Dry rot
Jane Oja describes the evolution of dry rot – the fungus posing severe threat to wooden houses -, its natural distribution and arrival in Estonia.

The mystery of anorexia is still not solved
Hedvig Sultson looks at the reasons of origin of the quite common psychic disorder – anorexia. It appears that genetic play an unexpectedly important role in the genesis of the disorder.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: The builders of Estonian bridge

A hundred rows about Estonian nature: Timeless and time-determined aspects of domestic nature
Ann Marvet opens the new series of essays dedicated to the 100th birthday of Estonian Republic by musing over our peatlands and forests.

An Estonian location: The Hurmiorg valley preserves the fragments of rural culture
Juhani Püttsepp takes the reader to the surroundings of Kanepi at Põlva County, where the local community still practices the common rural lifestyle, despite of everything.

The photobank of Vikipeedia was supplemented for the 8th time
Ivo Kruusamägi sums up the 8th photo contest of Vikipeedia, called HELP8.

Interview: We might need nature for something in the future
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Asko Lõhmus, an ecologist and nature protection biologist.

The wide world: A journey in the Wild West
Tuul Sepp went to a family trip in the Wild West of North-America and discovered lots of nature and history, including American Native Indians.

Practical tips: The ABC of the winter outdoor kitchen
Timo Palo continues sharing his tips for outdoor-lovers: cooking in winter conditions requires special equipment, smart decisions and knowledge about extreme conditions.

Nature experience from the world: In the rare palm forest of the Seychelles, and meeting the giant tortoises at Aldabra
Hendrik Relve’s travels take us to the archipelago in the middle of the Indian Ocean: the Seychelles include over 115 islands and islets of very diverse nature.

Carrot – common, yet special
Triin Nõu speaks well of carrot, the most common vegetable, and recommends some alternative usage of the product in the kitchen.

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