Summary Eesti Loodus 2018/03


Estonian Nature inquires
Ülo Mander explains why the Est-For planned timber factory should not be located near Tartu and by River Emajõgi.
Margus Kohava elaborates on the need to study the possibilities for building a timber factory near Tartu.

The location of the Danish stone fortress at Saaremaa has finally been found
Jaan Laas has looked through numerous pictures created by LIDAR-technique and believes he has finally found the yet unknown location of the Danish fort in 1222.

Estonia 100: Pupils’ gift to Estonia: herbarium
Tiiu Kupper, Eva-Liisa Orula, Ülle reier and Kai Vellak introduce the project involving collecting plants to creating databases for the storage of the plants.

Long-tailed tits like to move in groups
Karl Adami has followed the long-tailed tits in their natural habitat – the forest.

Bees and plant protection
Marika Mänd and Reet Karise describe the use of entomovectors as a mechanism to replace the chemical repellents with biological ones.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: On higgledy-piggledy thinking

An Estonian location: The village of Põrgu
Juhani Püttsepp and Ingmar Muusikus visited the village of Põrgu (‘Hell’) near Lake Peipsi and met some elderly women and a singing dog.

A hundred rows about Estonian nature: Käsmu – light house between the stony beach and stony forest
Anne Kurepalu’s essay about the past and future of Käsmu, a small harbor village.

Võnnu, Valmiera and Johann Karl Maddaus
Taavi Pae has detected the actual location of the church pictured on the 19th-century painting in our February issue.

Interview: Popularization is an essential part of scientific work
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Andres Koppel, an ecologist.

Nature experience from the world: On the island of South-Georgia, the wildlife paradise of the Antarctic
Hendrik Relve has travelled to an island in the South Atlantic Ocean, amidst penguins, southern elephant seals and fur seals.

The wonders of Palanga, the world’s capital of amber
Ülar Allas shares his impressions from Palanga, Lithuania, where he has visited the amber museum and tells about amber as a natural resource.

Practical tips: Hiking in wintertime 2. Hiking on skates
Timo Palo gives advice on skates, skating equipment and safety, since skating is an increasingly popular winter sport.

Practical tips: Nest boxes for the stock dove
Jaanus Elts suggests birdlovers to give a helping hand to the stock dove and build some nest boxes for this quite rare bird.

Restart for hemp
Triin Nõu introduces Cannabis sativa, once an important agricultural plant. The plant has strong natural fiber and seeds rich in valuable oil. The varieties grown in Estonia are not suitable for producing narcotic substances.


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