Summary Eesti Loodus 2018/02


Estonian Nature inquires
Helen Arusoo explains why lynx has been chosen as the mammal of the year.
Andres Kalamees writes about choosing capercaillie to be the bird of the year.

The 100-yr old Estonia has 5 national symbols
Estonian Nature introduces the 5 national symbols and gives and overview of their history.

The Estonian national bird has a black suit
Meelis Uustal and Elle-Mari Talivee recall the period 66 years ago when the barn swallow was elected the national bird of Estonia

Cornflower: a weed for the national flower
Helen Külvik introduces cornflower, which has gained the least attention of all the symbols in our magazine.

The story of limestone
Rein Einasto takes a glance at the importance of limestone in our nature and culture and reflects of the history of the stone becoming the national stone.

Baltic herring has kept Estonians alive
Helen Külvik praises the Baltic herring which was elected our national fish some 11 years ago. The fish has had a crucial culinary value for Estonian through centuries.

Swallowtail, Estonia’s newest national symbol
Allan Selin describes swallowtail, the beautiful butterfly, which was elected our national symbol late in 2017. The swallowtail is also the butterfly of the year 2018.

Eduard Philipp Körber, the priest of Võnnu church, and the oak that predicted Estonia’s independence
Heldur Sander reminds an old tree, whose planter said prophetical words about Estonia gaining independence. The tree was planted two centuries ago and unfortunately died some years ago.

Bird of the year: The hidden secrets of capercaillie’s traces of activity
Ivar Ojaste and Indrek Tammekänd instigate to notice the traces of activity of capercaillies and save the observations for the scientists.

Now terminology in meteorology: mother tongue and science
Jüri Kamenik and Ott Tuulberg introduce new terms in Estonian language. The terms help to describe winds, thunderstorms and clouds.

A hundred rows about Estonian nature: Uniting patterns
Toomas Paul’s essay

An Estonian location: In front of the Tartu University, looking for mosses
Juhani Püttsepp describes the wonderful moss diversity in front of the Tartu University main building.

Interview: The scientists must occupy Facebook!
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Tarmo Soomere, the President of Estonian Academy of Sciences.

Practical tips: Hiking in wintertime 1. Skiing equipment
Timo Palo gives advice on the choice of hiking skies and the accompanying equipment.

Nature experience from the world: Across South Africa
Hendrik Relve’s travels take us to the southern end of the African continent, where he has met exciting wildlife from rhinoceros to penguins.

Bird species contest 2017
Janne Põlluaas, Kauro Kuik and Sander Sirelbu sum up the results of the last year’s Facebook-based contest on photographing birds.

Facing the great spotted woodpecker
Karl Adami’s photo story features the great spotted woodpecker, a common inhabitant of our forests.

Thyme helps against nine diseases
Triin Nõu points out the valuable qualities of thyme species in folk medicine and cuisine.

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