Summary Eesti Loodus 2017/9


In Estonia, the white-throated dipper can mostly be seen in wintertime.
Jaanus Tanilsoo introduces the bird that will soon arrive in Estonia to spend the winter here. The bird is mostly associated with running waterbodies.

Rare snapshots of the family life of the white-throated dipper
Jaanus Tanilsoo has followed the white-throated dippers at Võrumaa and has taken many notes and pictures of their family life.

Forests of primary succession: future primeval forests or overgrowing semi-natural habitats?
Anneli Palo suggests to add the European Union nature directive’s Annex I habitat *9030 – natural forests of primary succession stages of landupheaval coast – to the list of Estonian forest types. These forests are formed on lifted lands of West-Estonian coasts as shrubs.

Forests of primary succession are mostly former semi-natural grasslands
Elle Roosaluste points out that most forests of primary succession on West-Estonian coasts are actually semi-natural habitats and should therefore be maintained as grasslands.

Where was the Battle of Sakala held?
Jaan Laas looks back at the greatest battle of the ancient military struggle against the conquest of Estonian lands by crusaders. The Sakala (or Paala) battle was held 800 years ago on St. Matthew’s Day. The author has been trying to find the location of the great battle.

Warm winters enhance life in Estonian coastal sea
Riina Klais has studied the effect of warm winters on the coastal sea habitats of the Baltic Sea: the abundance of zooplankton increases the yield of the Baltic herring.

The photo contest called up to notice the nature in urban environment
Veljo Runnel introduces the best photos of the photo contest organized by the Natural History Museum of the University of Tartu.

An Estonian location: Golden cloudberries of the Sinesaarõ mire
Juhani Püttsepp recollects on former and nowadays cloudberry picking: the cloudberry yield can vary a lot from year to year.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: Science is open for anyone

Interview: The lynx and wolf feed solely on roe deer, as there is no wild boar or hare in our forests
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Harri Valdmann, a hunter and a biologist of game animals.

The forests of Sõrve peninsula as landmarks
Toivo Meikar describes the development of the forests of the Sõrve peninsula and their former importance as landmarks.

Nature experience from the world: The weird nature of New Zealand
Hendrik Relve takes the reader to the isolated islands of New Zealand, where the nature has evolved separately from the rest of the world for millions of years.

Ten years of water level measurements of Lake Tamula
Tiia Pedusaar has observed the changes of water level of Lake Tamula: the last extensive flood happened 30 years ago.

Edible bird nests: the caviar of Asia
Ülar Allas introduces the delicatessen of Asia, unexpected for our people: the edible nests of swift species.

The tree of the year: The use of hawthorn berries in our diet
Triin Nõu suggests to use the berries of hawthorn species in jams, but also in other combinations.

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