Summary Eesti Loodus 2017/6-7


Estonia now has the mushroom of the year
Kadri Põldmaa, Külli Kalamees-Pani and Teele Jairus describe chantarelle, one of the best-known mushroom species of Estonia, and its close relatives.

The hawthorn attracts botanists as well as everyone interested in nature
Toomas Kukk takes a glance at the systematics and species richness of the tree of the year and suggests some books which help to determine the species.

What should we certainly know about lightening?
Sven-Erik Enno shares knowledge about how to behave in the case of thunderstorm: how to move and where to hide.

Musk orchid, a modest beauty
Tiiu Kull and Ülle Jõgar introduce the orchid of the year: a small species which may be remarkably abundant at some places.

European Union as the blessing and the curse of Estonian wetlands
Jan Peters, Moritzvon Unger and Marika Kose discuss the controversies between nature protection and economic support: there is still a long way to a reasonable agreement.

Rarely seen mass reproduction of the sawfly, Arge pullata
Kaljo Voolma describes the peculiarities of the lifecycle and reproduction of sawfly, a rare insect species feeding on birch trees.

An Estonian location: The gardens of Tõravere
Juhani Püttsepp looks back at the history of the genesis of the Tõravere gardens at Tartumaa.

Interesting Estonia: Gustav Vilbaste and the Kangrikivi stone
Andres Tõnisson shares his emotions related to the large boulder in the village of Saunja, at East-Harjumaa: even though the stone is under nature protection and heritage protection, the surroundings of the stone looks quite bleak.

Interview: We still safeguard our forests for bears and eagles, but not for people – not any more
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Arne Ader, the nature photographer.

Hiking trail of Valgejärve (White Lake): snow-white bog lake and exciting heritage culture
Kristina Traks guides the reader to the surroundings of Nissi, at Harju County, where one can see numerous natural and heritage treasures, such as lake chalk and a wolf catch.

Practical tips: The ABC of a hiker’s kitchen
Timo Palo gives advice on how to choose a camping stove: the choice depends mostly on the length and difficulty of the planned hike.

Nature experience from the world: Among the abundance of animals and people of Yellowstone
Hendrik Relve focuses on the world’s oldest national park, located in the USA, famous for its natural wonders.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: A city as the common element of man nad nature

Red-breasted fly-catcher: a bold musician and fast fly catcher
Karl Adami mediates the behaviour of the modest species and gives advice on how to differentiate between the different species of fly-catchers.

How old is the hazelnut tree of Tammelinn (Tartu)?
Alar Läänelaid, Kristina Sohar and Taavi Pae take a look at the hazelnut tree with worlds’ thickest trunk and discuss its age: can it reach the period of German landlords, i.e before the settlement of Tammelinn was founded?

Meadowsweet, the queen of meadows
Triin Nõu suggests to use the flowers of meadowsweet as the basis for sweet syrup.

Marsh honey fungus, a rare fungus of our mires
Tõnu Ploompuu describes a peculiar fungus species, Armillaria ectypa: many of its findings are in Estonia.

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