Summary Eesti Loodus 2017/4


Estonian Nature enquires
Inga Talts explains why the planned marine wind parks are not suitable for the coastal sea of Hiiumaa.
Martin Kruus gives his answers about the fears related to the marine wind park of Hiiumaa.

The crisis of pollinators: a myth or reality?
Reet Karis and Marika Mänd investigate whether we have a reason to speak about a crisis of pollinators in Estonia or is the status of bees and bumblebees quite good.

Cow and scythe as a nature protectors
Aleksei Lotman stresses the benefits and importance of organic agriculture in nature protection, especially in safeguarding semi-natural habitats.

A smart way to purify water: a constructed wetland
Kuno Kasak introduces a nature-friendly way to decrease the amount of nutrients brought into water from agriculture and other activities.

Garden in a city
Merle Karro-Kalberg thinks highly of the importance of community activities in an urbanized environment: the urban gardens provide great opportunities for community-based cooperation.

The development of urban gardening: the case of Tartu
Siim Vatalin looks at the different phases of the development of urban gardening in Tartu.

An Estonian location: The small field of Kasepää
Juhani Püttsepp paid a visit to the coast of Lake Peipsi to get to know more about the famous onion growing area. It appears that at Peipsi, agriculture is like prying that you cannot just neglect.

Interesting Estonia: Koguva-Igaküla alvar at the Muhu Island
Annely Esko shares the experiences of restoring alvars: after the juniper have been removed, the diversity of the habitat will recover quite fast

Interview: Biodiversity, extinction dept and the role of a scientist in the society
Riho Marja has interviewed Aveliina Helm, a researcher of plant ecology

The old Estonian varieties in our vegetable gardens
Anneli Banner, Annika Michelson, Külli Annama and Ingrid Bender describe the old vegetable varieties that have been grown in Estonian gardens throughout the times.

Nature experience from the world: Kava is grown in the forest gardens of Vanuatu
Hendrik Relve shares the experience of nature-friendly agriculture from Oceania, where food crops are grown on small cultivated patches the middle of the forest

Tiit Kändler’s essay: Ecological catastrophe: horses have disappeared from towns!

Soil is the mother that feeds us all
Kadri Kalle reminds the values and protection importance of soil – an important, but little-noticed component of nature.

Feedback to the article about the decrease of forest birds
Urmas Roht expands the notion of bird protection to agriculture: birds have to be considered much more also in agriculture-related activities like harvesting concentrated feed from fields.

Habitat preference changes of the Eurasian curlew
Jaanus Elts has studied why the Eurasian curlew has changed its habitat preferences from hay lands to cultivated fields.

Weeds disappear alongside with farmers
Ott Luuk and Toomas Kukk introduce changes in our weed flora, based on the data of the fieldwork for the new plant atlas.

The nettle, a useful plant
Triin Nõu suggests using nettle in our diet.

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