Summary Eesti Loodus 2017/10


Noise pollution and animals
Kunter Tätte observes a serious environmental issue – traffic noise –, which so far has not been treated with success.

Estonian lake mud at different lake basins
Merle Otsmaa describes the lake mud resources and the setting peculiarities of our lakes, depending on a lake type.

UNESCO islands of West Estonia: a well-kept secret
Lia Rosenberg reminds us that the West-Estonian islands belong to the UNESCO program „Man and biosphere“ and the area is therefore regarded as a biosphere protection area.

The lost ancestor of the the clouded yellows
Aleksander Pototski has been looking for the possible habitat of the ancestor of the clouded yellows (Colias), a genus of butterfly species. It turns out that the ancestor Colias ponteni has lost its homeland and has gone lost itself.

An Estonian location: The secrets of the Jakapkerigu valley
Juhani Püttsepp takes the reader to the hidden valley at Võrumaa, noteworthy for its numerous legends.

Interesting Estonia: Allikukivi caves at Pärnumaa
Katre Palo introduces a geological sight of interest near Kilingi-Nõmme: a cave system of quite spectacular dimensions.

Interview: Domestic bedding plants should be paid more attention
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Ülle Kukk, a botanist.

Hiking trail: Following the footsteps of the Pühajärve ladies
Helen Külvik suggests to enjoy the colourful autumn around Otepää and Pühajärve and the picturesque landscapes of the area by taking us to the Murrumetsa hiking trail by Lake Pühajärv.

The pulp factory of Tartu: Pulp fiction?
Urmas Aunin draws attention to the environmental impact of the planned giant pulp factory near Tartu: the impact will be much bigger than currently considered.

How to measure precipitation?
Ain Kallis introduces the history of precipitation measuring and gives an overview of the modern measuring tools.

Sea-buckthorn – Siberian pineapple
Triin Nõu gives advice on using the valuable orange berries.

Memories of professor Juhan Aul
Mart Niklus recalls the life and challenges of the famous zoologist and anthropologist Juhan Aul in 1950ies. Juhan Aul was born in October 120 years ago.

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