Summary Eesti Loodus 2017/05


Estonian Nature enquires
Veljo Runnel speaks about Bioblitz – an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area. For this year’s event in Tartu see:
Eerik Leibak explains why the common chiffchaff can now also been called as ‘silksolk’ in Estonian – formerly it was just a folk name for the species.

Moss of the Year: Golden haircap
Kai Vellak and Nele Ingerpuu introduce the easily recognizable and widely spread moss species – golden haircap – that has been selected as the first moss of the year in Estonia.

The European turtle dove has become increasingly rare in our forests
Riho Marja takes a look at the other bird of the year – the European turtle dove.

Cats pose a great danger to birds
Marko Mägi estimates the negative impact of domestic cats on natural species. It is largely up to the cat owners to avoid the damage.

Practical tips: Come and help to map the European butterflies
Anu Tiitsaar calls for collecting distribution data about butterflies – common and easily recognizable group of insects.

Two new species of bee flies
Ave Liivamägi and Peeter Tarlap describe two bee fly species (Bombyliidaewhich have been recently found from Estonian fauna.

An Estonian location: Kindralimägi (General’s Hill) at Tamsa
Juhani Püttsepp has been to the Pangodi area at Tartu County to look for traces about past war events and to see how these events are reflected in place names.

Interesting Estonia: The Kaali meteorite crater is the most beautiful crater in the world
Jüri Plado gives a brief overview of the Kaali meteorite crater, perhaps one of the most well-known sights of Estonia. However, it still remains unknown when exactly did the meteorite fall.

Interview: The difficult choices regarding the treatment of wildlife
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Madis Leivits, a veterinarian.

The story of nature on pictures: Copyright is an essential part of the use of photos
Arne Ader and Urmas Tartes finish their series of articles with a somewhat obvious notion that regards everyone dealing with photography and the use of pictures.

The anniversary of our national stone is in May
Rein Raudsep reminds us of the importance of limestone as our national stone.

Nature experience from the world: Greeting from Greenland, the land of icebergs, whales and muskoxen
Hendrik Relve takes the reader to the world’s biggest island, where big mammals in water and on land are the main sights of interest.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: The power and rules and the strength of nature

Coral reefs in Estonian landscape: a memory of equatorial climate
Igor Tuuling introduces the carbonate build ups in the Estonian crust and points out the main sights where past coral reefs can be seen.

Spruce tree provides vitamins
Triin Nõu has taken the spruce sprouts into kitchen to make use of the high content of vitamin C in the young sprouts.

175 from the birth of the famous ornithologist Valerian Russow
Olav Renno looks back at the short life of the ornithologist who was among the first to study the bird fauna of Estonia, Livland and Kurland.


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