Summary Eesti Loodus 2016/9


Water purification with cattle
Ilona Lepik suggests to bring cattle back to the coasts: grazed grassland helps to improve the environmental condition of the waterbody.

How to save the world
Juhan Javoiš introduces biologist Alan Savory’s seemingly surprising viewpoints: grazing helps to avoid desertification, not increase it.

The diverse world of alvar lichens. Lichens in Estonian semi-natural habitats II
Ede Oja and Inga Jüriado continue introducing lichens of semi-natural habitats: alvars can be home for species of tundra as well as of steppes.

The hostages in Estonia during the middle ages Crusades
Kristjan Kaljusaar looks back at the ancient times, when taking hostages was a common practice on the western coast of the Baltic Sea.

Relations between surface water and ground water at the Tuhala karst area
Oliver Koit introduces the results of the newest research regarding hydrology of the Tuhala karst area: as expected, the ground water and the surface water are closely connected.

Interesting Estonia: Helme Orjakivi (Slave Stone)
Ahto Kaasik describes one of Estonia’s best-known sacrificial stones at Helme. Numerous folk tales are associated with the stone.

Interview: If you don’t spot the problem with your own eye, it doesn’t mean that the problem doesn’t exist
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Mart Jüssi, a researcher of seals and the Baltic Sea.

Practical tips: How to take photos of plants and choose them to illustrate a story?
Urmas Tartes and Arne Ader give advice on the very hard task about photos of plants.

A location in Estonia: Hooters of Lake Hino
Juhani Püttsepp tells about the mysterious Arctic loon, a species almost disappeared from Estonia. There are still some Arctic loons at Lake Hino.

Asian longhorn beetle – a new threat to our park and forest trees
Kaljo Voolma warns against a dangerous invasion beetle species, who has arrived in Estonia: it damages mostly deciduous trees.

Azores: a well-kept secret in the Atlantic Ocean
Madli Jõks introduces a little-known destination in the Atlantic Ocean. These Portuguese islands are characterized by the abundance of endemic plant and animal species.

Practical tips: Rowanberry in a jar and at sauna
Triin Nõu suggests to pay more attention to the common rowanberries: marinated rowanberries taste excellent.

The working bees dedicated to find grouse include long days full of excitement
Siim Kuresoo gives an overview of working bees, which were called to life in order to improve knowledge of the biology and habitat preferences of an endangered bird species.

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