Summary Eesti Loodus 2016/6-7


Why do the birds come to town?
Marko Mägi explains reasons why birds come to or nest in towns and comes to the conclusion that there is no sense to fight the birds. Instead, we have to learn how to live side by side.

Who was the first to use the word cell as a biological term?
Mait Talts looks back at how the central term of nowadays biology found its way to the written Estonian language in the 18th century.

Orchid of the year: Royal Helleborine is one of the most common orchids of Estonia
Ülle Jõgar and Tiiu Kull describe the orchid of the year 2016: although the Royal Helleborine is quite common in Estonia, its findings should more precisely recorded.

Lichens of wooded meadows require light. Lichens in Estonian semi-natural habitats I.
Ede Oja and Inga Jüriado start introducing the lichens of our semi-natural habitats from wooded meadows, where favorable habitats are formed by old trees and good light conditions.

Climate changes. Our future: land rise or flood?
Alar Rosentau, Merle Muru, Enn Karro and Mait Sepp draw attention to the possibility that in the future, climate changes may cause floods in the coastal areas of Estonia – this is something that should be considered when building or buying home in the area.

A location in Estonia: Where does Uku live?
Juhani Püttsepp has looked for places named Uku from all over Estonia, focusing on the Uku cave on the riverbank of the Võhandu River in the end.

Interesting Estonia: Forest megaphones chime from Pähni all over the world
Triin Männik explains the reasons for creating megaphones/speaking tubes at Pähni, Võrumaa.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: The essence of life should be searched from the Earth

Versatile black elder
Triin Nõu gives advice on how to use the blossoms of black alder to make syrup and tea.

Interview: Nature protection and people should come closer together
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Marko Pomerants, the Minister of Environment of Estonia.

Hiking trail: The call of the Nõva pine forests
Marju Pajumets suggests to take hikes on the sand dunes and pine forests of North-West Estonia, more specifically on the 7.5 km long Liivanõmme hiking trail.

Practical tips: How to shoot photos of amphibians and reptiles
Urmas Tartes and Arne Ader concentrate on taking pictures of reptiles and amphibians: you do not need a special hideout for photographing these animals.

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria at Melbourne
Urmas Roht shares his impressions from the botanic gardens of Melbourne, which attracts visitors with its location in the city center, and certainly with its species diversity.

The location of the ancient port Portus Novus has finally been found
Jaan Laas has finally found the actual location of the ancient port situated at the western part of the Saaremaa Island. The location has been searched for over a hundred years.

Why have the large pike-perches disappeared?
Kai Ginter and Küll Kangur look for the reasons why we have to settle for increasingly smaller sized pike-perches.

Voluntary work in nature can become a nice addiction
Triin Nõu gives and overview of the nature bees organized by the Estonian Fund for Nature: taking part in such voluntary work gives an opportunity to do something good and see exciting places.

Eurasian wren
Karl Adami describes and Pictures Eurasian wren, whose favorite habitats include thick woods that do no attract a Sunday walker.

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