Summary Eesti Loodus 2016/11


Estonian Nature enquires
Andres Hanso explains why the dam of the Väike Strait has earned attention again
Karli Lambot summarizes the results of the discussion over Rail Baltic at the environmental committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia).

Genes and behaviour: behavioral research of men and birds
Vallo Tilgar mediates the latest research focusing on the effect of genes on the production of dopamine and serotonin and therefore on the behaviour of humans and birds.

Homo sapiens – a species that tells stories. Does it also apply to autistic people?
Kristina Tupits is looking for possibilities to help the most special people among us.

The highest peak of West-Estonia is located at the Hiiumaa Island
Taavi Pae brings clarity among the highest hilltops of Hiiumaa: Tornimägi Hill, St. Andrus’ Hill or Kapli Hills?

Can the insects be wrong in the choice of food?
Külli Hiiesaar and Eha Kruus have studied the importance of plants insects eat based on the example of Colorado potato beetle: the larva of the beetle that feeds on spring onion eventually dies.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: Human smart device from the salt chamber

An Estoian location: The Potaste hillock has grown from the ashes
Juhani Püttsepp has found proof for tales about the history of the Potaste farm in the Alam-Pedja area: the main income of the farm located on a hill came from burning potassium carbonate to get potash.

Interesting Estonia: Kaibaldi liivik, Estonia’s unique desert
Timo Palo describes one of the sights of interest of the Hiiumaa Island – Estonia’s largest area of open sand. The place, however, is not easy to find.

Interview: There is no love for homeland with no love for home
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Tõnis Lukas, the director of Estonian National Museum.

Practical tips: Landscape photographs
Urmas Tartes and Arne Ader continue their tips with a seemingly easy task: how to take photos of landscape and how to choose the right pictures for a story.

Hiking trail: A hell of a land
Timo Palo suggests a number of hiking trails at Paganamaa (translates as Devil’s Land), a diverse and beautiful landscape with trails of different level of difficulty.

On foot on the Lofoten Islands
Mirjam Nutov shares her travel experiences on the lovely archipelago off the Norwegian coast. It is a crossroad of extreme weather conditions, tourists, locals and breathtakingly beautiful nature.

Practical tips: The right hiking clothing helps to keep the body warm and dry
Kristiina Viiron share advice for the late-autumn/early-winter period: when planning a hike in the nature, it’s wise to wear stratified and warm clothing.

From the forest and fields: Pumpkins – from tiny pattypan squashes to giant pumpkins
Triin Nõu introduces to diverse world of pumpkins and squashes and presents interesting facts about this familia rich in species and varieties.

A new Boletus species in Estonia
Irja Saar describes a new mushroom species that originates from North-America: Aureoboletus projectellus that can be seen mostly in coastal pine forests.

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