Summary Eesti Loodus 2016/01


Evolution of humans: Why men see the picture and women hear words?
Juhan Javoiš and Lauri Palumets study if there is an evolutionary explanation to the differences of senses between men and women.
Meteorological observatory 150: The length of ice phenomena on rivers has shortened remarkably
Tiia Pedusaar, Tiina Nõges, Peeter Nõges and Liidia Klaus introduce the history and nowadays of ice studies.
Meteorological observatory 150: From manual measuring to operative hydrology
Tiia Pedusaar and Aadi Ainla recall the development history of the everyday measuring equipment of hydrologists.
The use of genetic research in protection of rare plant species
Tatjana Oja, Ülle Reier, Silvia Pihu and Ene Kook look at reasons why we should protect small and seemingly unimportant plant populations, too.
50th anniversary of international mid-winter bird watching
Leho Luigujõe indicates that Soviet Estonia did, actually, belong to Europe: winter bird watching is the most extensive monitoring programme of bird watchers, and Estonia has been part of the programme ever since its foundation.
Where did the old roads go?
Valdo Praust describes the development of our road network, focusing on research sources.
Where is the start of the Piusa River?
Taavi Pae has made some fieldwork and it appears that the beginning of the Piusa River depends on the interpretation of different researchers.
Estonian Nature inquires
Veljo Runnel explains the essence of hobby science and his position as an expert of the field.
Ester Valdvee writes about the orchid of the year – the Dark-red Helleborine (Epipactis atrorubens).
Interesting Estonia: Tori sandstone wall
Elen Rekand takes the reader to the well-known sandstone wall by the Pärnu River.
Interview: It takes decades to become a specialist in insect systematics
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Olavi Kurina, an entomologist
Svalbard archipelago: the archipelago with ever-lasting Ice Age
Timo Palo guides us to the Arctic area at Svalbard archipelago. However, it is the place where one can witness the implications of global warming.
Vapramägi (Hill) – a three-topped hill by the Elva River
Gea Järvela suggests to take a hike at the easily accessible hiking trail at Tartu County.
A small Estonian location: Peedu Kerikmägi (Hill) awakens one’s imagination
Juhani Püttsepp introduces one of the smallest town hills of pre-historical Estonia. The Peedu Kerikmägi (hill) has also been known as a sacred place.
Practical tips: The night sky full of stars provides different kind of emotions
Martin Mark shares his advice: what to keep in mind while taking pictures at night, and what to expect in these conditions.
Tiit Kändler’s essay: Parallel universes of digital ecology
History of science: How are you? 100th birthday of Endel Varep
Ilmar Kask recalls the professor of geography, Endel Varep, who has taught many generations of geographers.








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