Summary Eesti Loodus 2015/9


Ocean acidification poses a great threat to the marine ecosystems of the whole world
Liina Pajusalu, Georg Martin, Tiina Paalme, Arno Põllumäe and Katarina Oganjan draw attention to the the effects of the increased CO2 concentrations in sea water. The most threatened group is the organisms with calcareous skeletons.

Estonian Nature enquires
Peep Männil writes about the status of jackal in Estonia.
Kristiina Hommik explains what has happened to the pike-perch population of the Livonian Bay.

Urban fox 2: Which standpoint do we take?
Liivi Plumer and Urmas Saarma studied the opinions of people about foxes in town: it appears that urbanized foxes are generally not regarded as a problem, but their numerousness should still be regulated.

Bird of the Year: the species-rich world of buzzards
Ülo Väli helps to understand and differentiate between the 63 species of buzzards in the world. These 63 species belong to 10 genus.

Observation: a leech family at Lake Ähijärv

Interesting Estonia: Hürsi windmill in the Tsiistre area
Katre Palo introduces a unique architectural monument located in the Misso rural municipality. The windmill is threatened and is waiting for an active owner.

An exceptional mammuth hailstorm in Eastern Estonia
Jüri Kamenik explains the reasons, why the hailstorm of 12 August brought about huge hailstones (diameter up to 10 cm).

Interview: A good magazine  consists of beautiful design and interesting stories
Elen Rekand has interviewed Enn Lumet, the long-time art editor of magazine Eesti Loodus.

Hiking trail: The Rebastemäe trail introduces the hilly part of the Hiiumaa Island
Elen Rekand takes the reader to the Kõpu Peninsula at Hiiumaa, where an easy hiking trail helps to get to know forest communities evolved on variegated relief.

Alexander Theodor von Middendorff 200: the expedition to the North Pole remained a dream
Erki Tammiksaar looks back on the plans of the famous Estonian-born explorer.

Estonia’s fattest black alders
Hendrik Relve describes the interesting old black alders of the Vihula rural municipality in Lääne-Viru County.

The Viru bog is not a representative as we have heard
Laimi Truus is worried about the health and state of our most popular bog: because of past drainage activities, the bog is becoming a forest.

Observation: The galls on oak trees

Observation: Oyster galls on oaks trees in Tartu

Tiit Kändler’s essay: The scientists of the Lippmaa family



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