Summary Eesti Loodus 2015/8


Estonia is located in the focal point of climate changes
Mait Sepp, Valentina Sagris and Tanel Tamm suggest we get used to the heat waves in summertime, as these become increasingly common

The price of a young mouse
Anne Kirk discusses the choices mammals have to make: to live fast and die young or vice versa – to reproduce slowly and live a long life?

Soil of the year: Rendzic Lithic Leptosols
Raimo Kõlli and Indrek Tamm introduce the soil of the year, elected for the second time. Rendzic Lithic Leptosols are quite rare, but interesting soils.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: Man is the chronic of Nature

Estonian Nature enquires
Mare Maran explains why Tallinn was elected as the 2015 European city of trees.
Jüri Kamenik briefly decribes the essence of a meteor waterspout.

Interesting Estonia: Kolga stone bridge at the border of Lahemaa
Elen Rekand takes us to the 90 year old renovated stone bridge, built in the fruitful years of the Kolga manor.

Interview: Nature is an old-time enemy, let’s respect it and let’s not imagine that it has feelings and ideas.
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Karl Martin Sinijärv – a poet, writer, cook and the head of the Writers’ Union.

In the trails of the Danish castle
Jaan Laas looks for an ancient fortress located at Saaremaa. The former location of the fortress can be found with the aid of modern geoinformation tools.

The garners of the Estonian collections of natural history: hygrometers in Estonian meteorological museums
Ain Kallis introduces hygrometers, from ordinary hair to Assmann aspiration psychometer.

Looking for record-worthy aspen trees
Hendrik Relve describes the exciting work of foresters and tree-measurers, which offers suprises even at seemingly ordinary logging area.

The highest point of the Pärnu County is the Rehemaa Hill
Taavi Pae continues to look for the highest points of counties from the southern part of Pärnu County, near the Latvian border.

Pygolampis bidentata, a little-known species of Hemiptera in Estonia
Ave Liivamägi and Peeter Tarlap jubilate: the finding of the quite uncommon species is special for any entomologist North of Alps.

Observation: alders have turned brown

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