Summary Eesti Loodus 2015/6-7



The Livonian coast is characterized by sand dunes and forest expanses
Dace Sāmīte describes the nature of the Livonian coast at Courland, with expressive dunes and pine forests.

Who are the Livonians?
A group of authors explain the most common questions regarding the Livonians or Livs – a small nation who once lived in the territory of nowadays Latvia.

The Salatsi-Livonian landscape words in the North-Livonian place names
Karl Pajusalu and Eberhard Winkler find traces of the old Salaca Livonian dialect, which perished about 100 years ago, in the place names of Northern Livonia.

Tree names in the Livonian (Liv) language
Karl Pajusalu compares the names of Estonian trees of the year in Estonian, Courland Livonian and Salaca Livonian languages and comes to the conclusion that most of the tree names have the same origin.

The Livonian Tongue as a geological sedimentary body
Rein Einasto recalls the story of discovering a relevant geological formation – the Livonian Tongue – and explains the essence of the event.

The sights of the Livonian coast
Renāte Blumberga describes the sights that reflect the nature, heritage and natural conditions of the Northern Courland and Livonian coast.

Estonian Nature enquires
Tuuli Tuisk writes about the activities of the Union of Livonian Friends.
Heino Mardiste explains why the Gulf of Riga was renamed Gulf of Livonia.

Exciting old trees: The birch of Sandiväsitaja and the hawthorn of Laiakivi

Interview: A nation can fade quickly and unnoticeably
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Tiit-Rein Viitso, a professor and linguist and a specialist of Livonian.

Interesting Estonia: The nature of Luitemaa has brought people together, but also separated them
Mati Kose takes the reader to South-East Estonia, where one can see Estonian highest coastal dunes and the unique Tolkuse bog.

Eschscholtz and Chamisso: looking for plant gold
Tiiu Speek takes a look at explorers of Estonian origin. Several plant species have been named in their honour.

Tree branches as winter forage: a case from Saaremaa
Raivo Kalle complements the collected tradition about storing leaf bundles and leaf whisks, based on the results of new questionnaires.

Strepstiptera – like from another planet
Mati Martin shares his knowledge about the little-known group of insects: these insects have a unique reproduction behavior, and the males and females of the species look entirely different.

Observation: European penduline tit, a master of nest making

New insect species for Estonia have been found from South-East Estonia
Ain Piir has photographed insects and hence found many insect species which have not been seen in Estonia before.

Kalju Kase’s essay: Botanical Gardens are educative institutions



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