Summary Eesti Loodus 2015/5


Orchid of the year: Fly orchid attracts the bugs to pollinate
Ülle Jõgar describes the blooming and reproduction of the fly orchid – the plant with a peculiar blossom, and the factors that tend to limit its spread.

How to recognize and insect X. Gnats and flies
Mati Martin ends his series about insects with introducing the common and species-rich order of insects, the dipterans.

How the spindletree got its name
Heldur Sander and Raivo Kalle recall how the spindle tree derived its Estonian name – kikkapuu.

The position of fungi on the evolutionary of life and the systematics of fungi 2
Irja Saar introduces Dikarya – a subkingdom of fungi, as well as organisms, which were once regarded as fungi, but have now been positioned in other kingdoms.

Estonian Nature enquires
Maret Merisaar explains why can rainfall become a problem in urban area.
Olavi Kurina writes about how often world’s new insect species are found from Estonia.

Interesting Estonia: The Allikukivi cave system was found due to a good chance
Elen Rekand takes the reader to the Kilingi-Nõmme area, to see a unique cave system.

Interview: Knowing Darwin’s work is helpful in any situation
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Olav Niklus, a translator and ornithologist

Bird of the Year: Honey buzzard – a special summer guest
Olavi Vainu and Ülo Väli end introducing the buzzards with the third species – it can be seen in Estonia since the month of May.

Destruction of the Saesaare dam would not add beauty to the sandstone denudations
Taavi Pae and Ain Vellak speak up for maintaining the current artificial lake at Saesaare, because it looks nice. They give a good overview of the height and length of the numerous sandstone denudations along the river.

A look at the rapids of Saesaare
Tauno Jürgenstein calls for destructing the artificial lake, because the denudated river section would be a crucial spawning area for transient fish species.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: How do you make the world to be seen


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