Summary Eesti Loodus 2015/11


Why do we get sick? An evolutionary view

Peeter Hõrak imparts a hard fact: the humans’ fight against diseases is quite hopeless; all we can do is to adjust with diseases.


Why do we tend to become taller?

Juhan Javoiš has interviewed Peeter Hõrak, the professor of physiological animal ecology.


The diverse choice of products of the Tallinn Town Hall Pharmacy in 1695

Vello Paatsi and Toomas Kukk look back at the pharmacy act issued in Tallinn in 1695 and point out, which cures and medications were used in Estonia more than 300 years ago.


The number of Ortolan Buntings has decreased very rapidly

Riho Marja, Jaanus Elts, Kunter Tätte and Thea Perm explain the decreasing number of the small bird species with the loss of agricultural landscape.


Tiit Kändler’s essay: Digital world as a shaper of the evolution of nature


Interesting Estonia: Uduallikas needs to be protected

Kristel Vilbaste takes the reader to the forgotten spring on the border of Viljandi and Järva counties. The legends related to the spring – Uduallikas (Fog Spring) – refer to the former importance of the place.


Interview: Matsalu is a brand

Helen Külvik has interviewed Nele Sõber, the leader of non-profit organization Terra Maritima, and Kaja Lotman, the head of the environmental board’s Hiiu-Lääne-Saare region.


Ginger is a burningly useful plant

Evi Padu and Sulev Kuuse describe the wonderful qualities of ginger, a well-known plant in medicine and cuisine.


Bird of the Year. Which habitats are preferred by our buzzards?

Ülo Väli, Gunnar Sein, Arne Laansalu and Urmas Sellis introduce the results of the fresh survey: the common buzzard hunts in all kind of biotopes, but clearly prefers grasslands.


Estonian Nature enquires

Atko Heinsalu writes about the importance of the new repository of rock core samples at Särghaua.

Tõnis Korts gives an overview of hunting the wild boars in the light of spread of the African swine fever virus.


Silver fir and fir forests in Estonia

Heldur Sander, Kristiina Hellström and Leo Filippov remind how the foreign tree species was introduced to Estonia and describe its quite successful naturalization.


Exciting old trees. Looking for the thickest birch and white elm trees of the Harju county

Hendrik Relve shares his recent findings about large trees and elaborates on the loss of old trees around Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia.

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